About the Marine Corps League


The Marine Corps League perpetuates the traditions and spirit of ALL Marines and Navy FMF Corpsmen, who proudly wear or who have worn the eagle, globe and anchor of the Corps. It takes great pride in crediting its founding in 1923 to World War I hero, then Major General Commandant John A. Lejeune. It takes equal pride in its Federal Charter, approved by An Act of the Seventy-Fifth Congress of the United States of America and signed and approved by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on August 4, 1937. The League is the only Federally Chartered Marine Corps related veterans organization in the country. Since its earliest days, the Marine Corps League has enjoyed the support and encouragement of the active duty and Reserve establishments of the U. S. Marine Corps.

National Headquarters of the Marine Corps League

The Marine Corps League is headed by an elected National Commandant, with 14 elected National Staff Officers who serve as trustees. The National Board of Trustees coordinates the efforts of 49 department, or state, entities and the activities of over 1100 community-based detachments located throughout the United States and overseas. The day-to-day operations of the League are under the control of the National Executive Director with the responsibility for the management and direction of all programs, activities, and affairs of the Marine Corps League as well as supervising the National Headquarters staff. League membership nationally, has grown to over 76,000 members.

South Carolina Department of the Marine Corps League

The Marine Corps League, Department of South Carolina has approximately 1200 members assigned to 24 Detachments throughout the state. Eligible members are Marines or Navy Fleet Marine Force Corpsmen and Chaplains who are either currently on active duty or have been honorably discharged.

James L. Hammons, MCL Detachment #939, Aiken, South Carolina was formed in 1996 to fulfill the mission within the context of service to our community. The Detachment derives its name from James L. Hammons, who was killed in action in Vietnam. He was the brother of our first Commandant, Ed Hammons. Today our detachment has over 65 active members. Our Marine Corps League has an active role in our community. We are always looking for a “few good men and women” to join us. Active duty or honorably discharged Former Marines interested in membership should email us at Cmndnt.MCL.Det939@gmail.com for membership details. Active duty and honorably discharged former members of all of our armed services are invited to become Associate Members.  We proudly support Aiken County veterans and community service activities. Some programs we support or participate in are:



  • Marine Corps Birthday, celebrating the founding of our Corps.
  • Toys for Tots, in conjunction with the Salvation Army, providing Christmas toys for needy families.
  • The Corporal Matt Dillon Memorial Scholarship, providing four worthy JROTC cadets with $1000 toward their further education.
  • Children’s Miracle Network. The Detachment has committed to providing annual financial support for the organization.
  • Memorial Day parade and ceremony, honoring those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country.
  • Veterans Day ceremony, honoring all veterans.
  • Eagle Scout letters of congratulations and certificates of accomplishment.
  • The Parris Island Marine Corps Band’s annual visit to Hopelands Gardens, the most popular concert of the summer series. The Detachment provides security for the band’s instruments and assists the Recreation Department at the entrance gates.
  • Humanitarian assistance to local veterans, either in our own hometown or in conjunction with other veteran service organizations. In particular we support the VA’s Fisher House, helping families to stay close to veterans undergoing treatment at the Charlie Norris Augusta VA Hospital.
  • Volunteers from the Detachment support the Special Olympics at Midland High School and other events such as the US Rowing Regatta.
  • Participate in State Department Annual Events.
  • Always looking for new ways to support our community and Veterans.


The prime authority of the League is derived from its Congressional charter and from its annual National Convention held each August in different major U.S. cities throughout the nation. The Marine Corps League is a not-for-profit organization within the provisions of the Internal Revenue Service Code 501(c) (4), with a special group exemption letter which allows for contributions to the Marine Corps League, its Auxiliary and subsidiary units, to be tax deductible by the donor. The Detachment annually files a Form 990N with the Internal Revenue Service.